Reissuing your card will discard your existing card details and issue you with brand new details. You'll only be able to do this a maximum of 3 times, so choose wisely!
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to reissue your card 👇
1. Open the Mercuryo Widget and press the menu button near the top right corner.
2. Once you've pressed the menu button, click on 'Spend Card'.
3. Open the menu (three dots), then click 'Freeze Card'.
4. Select 'Reissue card'.
5. Confirm that you wish to reissue the card.
6. Your card should now be reissued with new details, and you'll receive a notification to show that this has been completed 🎉
If you have any issues along the way, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team at or by opening a chat in the bottom right corner 💬