If you'd like to top up the balance of your Spend card, you can do this by selling your crypto through us, and then the balance will be available on your Spend card.
If you haven't got a Spend card yet, you can find out how to do this here.
Here's how to top up your cpend Card by selling your crypto 👇
1. Open the Mercuryo Widget and press the menu button near the top right corner.
2. Once you've pressed the menu button, click on 'Spend Card'.
3. Select 'Top up Card'.
4. Enter the fiat amount that you would like to sell, choose which cryptocurrency you are selling, and then press 'Continue'.
5. Review the transaction amount, and then select 'Send crypto' to proceed.
6. Choose how you want to send your crypto to us, you'll be able to either connect your desired wallet or manually send the crypto from your wallet to the Mercuryo wallet address provided to you.
7. Select 'Confirm transfer' to proceed with the transaction. You'll receive an email notification once the blockchain transfer has been completed.
8. Once we have received the crypto, your Spend card balance will be topped up with the crypto that you sold 💰
If you have any issues when topping up your card balance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team by opening a chat with us 💬