You can add several cards to your Mercuryo wallet. If you encounter an error when doing this then it is most likely one of the reasons below 👇
You don't have at least 1 euro (or its equivalent in your card's currency) on your balance. We need this as we do verification when you add a new card, this is a temporary charge and is refunded shortly after.
The card that you are adding is not supported by Mercuryo. You can check our supported payment methods here.
Your bank may have declined or blocked the transaction. Some banks aren't very crypto friendly, or have additional security measures in place. It's always best to check this first with your bank.
Your card might not accept international transactions.
The bank have declined the transaction because the 3D Secure check failed. This is an additional layer of protection on cards - you will need to check this with your bank.
The details you entered were incorrect. Double check the cardholder name and that all of the digits are entered correctly.
The same card was previously added in another account. We only allow a card to be used on one account - so if you've already tried on another account with this card you won't be able to use it again. Please also remember that you are only permitted one account under our Terms of Service.
Here's what you can do if you encounter any of the issues above:
Make sure you have at least 1 euro (or its equivalent) on your balance.
Check with your bank for any declined transactions, block or specific restrictions relating to cryptocurrency and/or international transactions.